Monday 6 February 2017

New beginings

So I have decided I am going to start another blog and leave this blog behind as it was kind of bad... And not really getting across what i want to get across in a blog. Also because the posts on this blog have been quite different from each other whereas I want a running theme but having a hard time coming up with something that people could take interest in. Leave any messages if you have any ideas of what I could do if you would not mind.

1 comment:

  1. Hey ya!
    I think the best way to choose a topic is to make sure it's something you won't get bored of. Like, 90% of the projects I start, I don't finish. Make sure it's something you're interested in and you spend a lot of time thinking about anyway (because then you know the topic won't be something you get sick of). If you're going to have a schedual for when to post stuff, make sure it's flexible enough that it won't become a chore (it's good to post regularly but if you're posting because you have to, not because you want to, it shows in the quality of what you create. Trust me, I've been there).
    I think that's all the tips I can think of. The best advice I can give is to just jump straight in and if you sink, you sink, if you swim, you swim (you'll swim).
